The Arizona Green Party extends a warm invitation to all Green Party members statewide to participate in the 2020 Presidential nomination process by Ranked Choice Voting, starting on April 1, 2020.
Voting for the Green Party Presidential Nominee will occur in a “hybrid” of early voting (both EARLY and at the NOMINATING CONVENTION on May 23rd). Electronic and mail-in early voting will be open to all Arizona registered green voters for 30 days starting on April 1, and ending on April 30. Voting will also be open to all GREENS wishing to vote in-person (excluding, of course, GREENS who have already cast their early ballots) at the nominating convention on May 23rd in Pima County. [Also, please note that it might be necessary to postpone the in-person Nominating Convention meeting due to the worldwide pandemic of COVID 19. Under this scenario, all voting will be Early.]
Go directly to our online voting portal and review the full details.