

The Arizona Green Party is proud to have a rich history of endorsing and supporting uncorrupted, grassroots candidates up and down the ballot (even when we're not on the ballot!) that will be strong advocates for the interests of diverse working-class families and our environment over corporate profits. Since our party's founding in may of 1990, we have run as many stellar Green candidates as we can support in races all across the state; from city councils and school boards, all the way up to U.S. Congress and the Presidency.

We run candidates for office here in Arizona because we believe that voters deserve to have a choice to vote for their values rather than only against their fears. The Green Party provides voters an independent and progressive political alternative to the corrupt, status-quo politics of the Democratic and Republican parties. In addition, Green Party candidates and campaigns can have a significant impact on the entire local political conversation, ensuring voters truly understand that they deserve -- and can have, if they so choose to organize for it -- a better government that works for working people instead of the wealthy and powerful.

If you are interested in running as an Arizona Green Party endorsed candidate for office at any level, please visit our run for office page. If you would like to learn more about our currently endorsed candidates, please visit the candidates page. If you are interested in volunteering with an AZGP campaign, please visit our volunteer sign up page.