
AZGP Candidates - 2024 General Election


The following list includes all registered Green Party candidates running for office in 2024 in the State of Arizona. Candidates on this list are rated as "endorsed", "unrated", or "actively opposed". 

If you are interested in running for office with the support and endorsement of the Arizona Green Party, please view our "Run for Office" Page and submit a candidate endorsement form!




Dr. Jill Stein for President of the United States


Endorsement Status: ENDORSED

Ballot Status: Ballot Qualified (General Election)

Campaign Website:


Eduardo Quintana for U.S. Senate


Eduardo Quintana for U.S. Senate 🌻 (@Quintana4Senate) / X

Endorsement Status: ENDORSED

Ballot Status: Ballot Qualified (General Election)

Campaign Website:


Alan Aversa for U.S. House of Representatives, CD-3


Alan Aversa - Ballotpedia

Endorsement Status: ACTIVELY OPPOSED

Ballot Status: Ballot Qualified (General Election)

Campaign Website:


Vincent Beck-Jones for U.S. House of Representatives, CD-4


Endorsement Status: ENDORSED

Ballot Status: Ballot Qualified (General Election)

Campaign Website:


Athena Eastwood for U.S. House of Representatives, CD-6


Endorsement Status: ENDORSED

Ballot Status: Ballot Qualified (General Election)

Campaign Website: [TBD]




Mike Cease for AZ Corporation Commissioner


Endorsement Status: ENDORSED

Ballot Status: Ballot Qualified (General Election)

Campaign Website:


Nina Luxenberg for AZ Corporation Commissioner



Endorsement Status: ENDORSED

Ballot Status: Ballot Qualified (General Election)

Campaign Website:




Dennis Pugsley for AZ State Senate, LD-2


Endorsement Status: Unrated

Ballot Status: Ballot Qualified (General Election)

Campaign Website: [TBD]


Tre Rook for AZ State House of Representatives, LD-8


Photo of ROOK, TRE (GRN)

Endorsement Status: ENDORSED

Ballot Status: Ballot Qualified (General Election)

Campaign Website:


Cody Hannah for AZ State House of Representatives, LD-13


Endorsement Status: ENDORSED

Ballot Status: Ballot Qualified (General Election)

Campaign Website:


Scott Menor for AZ State House of Representatives, LD-14


Endorsement Status: ENDORSED

Ballot Status: Ballot Qualified (General Election)

Campaign Website:




Howard Druan for Pima County Attorney


Endorsement Status: ENDORSED

Ballot Status: Ballot Qualified (General Election)

Campaign Website: [TBD]


Special Boards & Districts


Haryaksha Knauer for C.A.V.I.A.T. Joint Technical Education District Governing Board of Directors


Haryaksha Gregor Knauer - The Arizona State Press

Endorsement Status: Unrated

Ballot Status: Ballot Qualified (General Election)

Campaign Website: [TBD]




(No candidates to list)