Become an AZGP Member
Thank you for your interest in joining the AZGP as a voter, volunteer, candidate, or otherwise affiliated member. Our party is corporate-free, people-powered, and runs on the creativity, skills, and tenacity of our active membership. We truly cannot do this work without all of your help, and we are incredibly grateful for every voice that joins this grassroots movement for People, Planet, and Peace.
Getting Started as an AZ Green
Step 1: Register to Vote
The first and most important step in becoming a member of the AZGP is to register with the Green Party if you are an eligible voter in the State of Arizona. To learn more about why registering new Green voters is so important and for a walkthrough on how to register or update your AZ voter registration, visit our Register to Vote page.
Step 2: Pay Yearly Membership Dues
Membership in the AZGP and its affiliated county chapters and caucuses requires the collective financial support of our party by our membership in the form of yearly membership "dues".
Dues-paying members exclusively are afforded the following privileges;
- The right to participate in and vote on state party issues at AZGP general membership meetings, including the nominations, elections, and/or recall of Officers of the State Committee
- The right to join and participate in any of the AZGP’s active Working Committees
- The right to submit proposals to the AZGP State Committee for consideration/ratification
- The right to be nominated and elected to an internal party position as an Officer of the State Committee following an initial 6-month period of active dues-paying membership.
- The right to be considered for an official endorsement/nomination for political candidacy by the AZGP
Members determine their own level of dues based on income or ability to pay.* Our suggested dues rate is a simple 0.3% of income. A few examples:
- $5 a month or $60 a year (for an annual income of $20K)
- $10 a month or $120 a year (for an annual income of $40K)
- $15 a month or $180 a year (for an annual income of $60K)
- $20 a month or $240 a year (for an annual income of $80K)
* The minimum dues required to be an AZGP member are $12 a year ($1 a month). The AZGP recommends $12 a year for those experiencing extraordinary financial hardship.
Dues may be paid as a donation(s) to the county chapter that is active where an individual resides. If there is no active county chapter in your county, individuals can retain an “at-large” membership with the AZGP by paying their dues directly to the state party through our website donation link at the same recommended rate. Every dollar goes towards building, growing, and maintaining the Green Party as an independent political party here in Arizona!
We’ve set up the following options to make participation as easy as possible. If you live in...
Pima County:
Anywhere outside of the above counties:
- Monthly Online Payment (click here)
- Annual Online Payment (click here)
- One-Time Online Payment (click here)
Step 3: Review Our Bylaws & New Member Materials
Before you begin engaging with the AZGP and our local party chapters, be sure to review our AZGP Bylaws & new member materials. These resources are designed to give you all the information you need to confidently get started participating in AZGP events, meetings, and working committees. New member materials can be found below;
AZGP Member's Handbook
AZGP New Member Orientation Video
Step 4: Connect With Us Online
If you are active on social media, be sure to follow us, like, share, and engage with our content. Every bit of promotion helps us spread the Green Party's message to a larger online audience and helps us to reach new potential AZ Green voters, volunteers, donors, and candidates.
Facebook Page:
Facebook Group:
Twitter: @AZGreenParty
Instagram: @azgreenparty
TikTok: @azgreenparty
Step 5: Find & Join Your Local Chapter
The Arizona Green Party currently has two active county chapters in Maricopa and Pima Counties. If you are a registered AZ Green residing in a county that is currently without an organized county Green Party chapter, and you'd like to help start one in your county of residence, please contact us and we will be happy to assist you with that process.
Green Party of Maricopa County
General Membership Meetings: 1st Monday of every month at 7PM via Zoom or the AZGP Discord Server
Green Party of Pima County
General Membership Meetings: 1st Tuesday of every month at 7PM via Zoom
Steering Committee Meetings: Last Tuesday of every month at 7PM via Zoom
Step 6: Attend an AZGP Meeting, Event, or Action
The AZGP, its active caucuses, and its local county chapters hold regular meetings, events, and actions to give our members and interested supporters various avenues for engaging with our party. From protests and phone banking to movie nights and socials; there are a variety of ways to get involved with the AZGP and interact with your fellow AZ Greens. Be sure to check out our Events Calendar on a regular basis for an updated list of our upcoming meetings and member engagement opportunities.
Step 7: Join an AZGP Working Committee
The Arizona Green Party is powered entirely by the collective and grassroots democratic efforts of individual Greens from across the state who volunteer their time, energy, skills, and creativity to our active working committees. We are always searching for dedicated and energetic new member-volunteers to join these working committees and become an active part of building the AZGP. To learn more about our various active working committees, visit our Organization page.
Step 8: Consider Running for Public Office
The Arizona Green Party is always searching and recruiting for exciting and inspiring new working class candidates from among our registered membership to take the courageous leap of running for public office as a Green Party candidate at the local, state, and federal level. Whether we win or lose, and whether our campaigns are a mighty wave or merely a ripple in the water, Green campaigns and candidates are a vital part of communicating our policy agenda to the public, attracting new Green voters, and fighting for the issues that matter to working class Arizonans that neither the Democrats or Republicans will properly address. Arizonans deserve to have the option of voting for an uncorrupted, independent candidate for people, planet, and peace on their ballots; and that candidate could be YOU!
If you are interested in running for public office in Arizona as a Green Party candidate, or if you have questions about the process of running for office as a Green, please contact your local county party chapter (if active/applicable) for their specific endorsement procedures and requirements, and visit our Run For Office page for our state party's endorsement procedures and requirements. For other questions and concerns regarding running for office as an AZGP-endorsed candidate, please contact the AZGP Political Campaigns Committee.