2023 Statutory Meeting


AZGP 2023 Annual Statutory General Membership Meeting


Register For This Meeting


We invite all AZGP members, volunteers, voters, donors, and interested supporters to please join us for our 2023 Annual Statutory General Membership Meeting. We will be convening again as a statewide party for the first time in 2023 as per Arizona statutes in order to elect new officers to our state committee, review and vote to approve our yearly budget, and discuss the future of AZGP in 2023 and beyond!


The State Committee Officer positions up for election at this meeting are;


  • Co-Chair (1 seat up for election, term expires January 2025)
  • 1st Vice-Chair (term expires January 2025)
  • 2nd Vice-Chair (term expires January 2024)
  • Treasurer (term expires January 2025)
  • Recorder (term expires January 2025)
  • Media Outreach Coordinator (term expires January 2024)
  • GPUS National Committee Delegate (1 seat up for election, term expires January 2025)
  • GPUS National Committee Alternate Delegate (1 seat up for election, term expires January 2025)


All State Committee Officers must be residents of AZ, must be registered GREEN in their county of residence, and must be dues-paying members of either their county party or the state party to be eligible to serve as a member of the AZGP-SC. AZGP-SC Officers are elected through ranked choice vote in the instance of multiple candidates running for one seat, or through consensus and/or 67% (2/3) majority vote of the general membership in the instance of an unopposed candidate.


This meeting is open to the public and will take place via Zoom to accommodate members from across the state. However, voting on all AZGP proposals and matters of business (including the nomination, election, and recall of Officers) is limited to registered and dues-paying AZGP members, per our bylaws.


Click this link to view the Meeting Agenda


Please us the link above to register for the Zoom meeting and RSVP via our website so we know you're planning to be there!

January 21, 2023 at 10:00am - 2pm

Will you come?