AZGP State Committee Meeting - June


The AZGP Steering Committee will meet on the Third Thursday of each month in the year 2022, unless that month already has a scheduled General Membership meeting.


The AZGP Steering Committee meetings are open to the public to attend through zoom. Please RSVP to receive a link to the meeting.



The Green Party is committed to values-based politics, as expressed in our Ten Key Values. These values guide us in countering and changing a system that extols exploitation, unsustainable consumption, and destructive competition.

In this century, it is imperative that we find sound economic ways to make systemic changes. It is our responsibility to rebuild the political culture of the United States in order to stop wars of aggression, short-sighted ecological destruction, erosion of our rights, and the system that perpetuates social and economic injustice. In other words, we must fundamentally change our society's broken political system.

Now is the time to build a bridge from the world we have to the better world we know is possible.

Now is the time to grow a sustainable political force to work for grassroots democracy, nonviolence, social justice, and ecological wisdom.

Michael E. Cease

AZGP Secretary 




AZGP State Committee

Meeting Agenda


Thursday, June 16, 2022, 7:00PM-9:10PM


A. Call to Order: Meeting Called to Order by Facilitator [7:00PM]

B. Land Acknowledgement: Facilitator or Volunteering Member - Indigenous Land and Digital Space Acknowledgement (5 minutes) [7:00-7:05PM]

C. Open Dialogue: (10 minutes) [7:05-7:15PM]

  • How is everyone?
  • What challenges/successes are you experiencing?
  • What support do you want or need from the group?


D. Declaration of Quorum:  [7:15PM]

State Committee Meetings Quorum and Proxies:

  1. Fifty-one percent (51%) of the elected officers in filled positions on the State Committee must be present to constitute a quorum at any State Committee meeting.
  2. Vacant positions, on-leave positions and non-voting, appointed officer positions do not count in the quorum requirements.
  3. At least 60% of all active recognized county chapters must be represented in a quorum in order to ensure geographic diversity.
  4. Proxies will not be recognized by the AZGP.


E. Assignment of Roles:

Facilitator __Liana West___, Stack taker _______, Vibes ______, Note taker _______, Time keeper _______, Chat moderator ______, (5 minutes) [7:15-7:20PM] 


F. Call to the Audience: Make announcements, state opinions, pose concerns -- limited to 2 minutes per non-member of the committee. (10 minutes) [7:20-7:30PM]

G. Committee Reports: Each active working committee/county party/caucus shall give a brief report on the current status of their work for the party. (5 minutes each) [40 minutes] [7:30-8:10PM]

  • Treasurer/Finance [Vincent Beck-Jones]
  • Media Outreach [Cody Hannah, Sam Hales]
  • Ballot Access [Liana West]
  • Political Campaigns [Cody Hannah, Sam Hales, Liana West, Eduardo Quintana]
  • Policy & Platform [Cody Hannah}
  • Maricopa County [Amee Beck-Jones]
  • Pima County [Eduardo Quintana, Karima Wicks]
  • GPUS Delegates [Amee & Vincent Beck-Jones]


[Old Business] (10 minutes) [8:10-8:20]

 H. Item 1: Compliance with Bylaws

  • Review bylaws, ensure either consistent compliance or discuss revision of bylaws to fit more practicable standards.
  • Areas we are regularly and/or currently out of compliance include:
    • Article VI.B.1: “All proposals and agenda items should be submitted to the Chairperson(s) and appointed Facilitator no later than fourteen (14) days prior to the meeting date, and be circulated to members at least seven (7) days in advance of meetings.”
    • Article V.E: “The minutes of each meeting shall be taken by the AZGP Recorder and distributed to the State Committee for approval within twenty four (24) hours of the meeting’s end. Once approved, the minutes will be posted to the AZGP website ( within 30 days of approval.”
    • Article IV.B.7 (duties of GPUS Delegates): “To vote on all proposals put before the National Committee, or to otherwise coordinate so that an alternate delegate may vote instead.”
    • Article IV.B.3 (duties of AZGP Treasurer): “To, in collaboration with the State Committee and Finance Committee, develop a yearly budget to be presented at the Annual Meeting or otherwise earliest practicable moment and approved by either a.) consensus or 67% vote of the State Committee, or b.) 67% majority vote of the members at a state party meeting.”
    • Article iV.B.1 (duties of AZGP Co-Chairpersons): “To assist the growth of the state party by overseeing outreach efforts to parts of the state where the party is not yet organized, and by assisting the nearest affiliated local chapter in doing so.”
    • Article IV.B.5 (duties of AZGP Recorder): “To serve as the primary note-taker for all state party and state committee meetings, keeping a detailed accounting of meeting minutes and distributing them to both the state committee, as well as to any AZGP web platforms once approved.”
    • Article IV.B.4 (duties of AZGP Secretary): “To act as the primary record-keeper and distributor for the state party, tasked with keeping an organized and up to date archive of all the AZGP’s important records and documents, including but not limited to; current statement of organization, copies of updated bylaws, manuals/training documents, contact lists (internal and external), voter registration rolls, meeting agendas, records of proposals submitted to the state committee, etc.” and “To serve as the primary manager of the AZGP’s email address, checking and responding to all emails in a timely and regular manner.”

[New Business] (10 minutes each, 30 minutes total) [8:20-8:50PM]

I. Item 1: Planning for ‘24 Statewide Ballot Access Efforts

  • What has been our strategy in the past for new petitioning? What worked or didn't work about that strategy?
  • What is a reasonable and practicable expectation of performance for our current members/volunteers working on ballot access?
  • How do we get our supporters to become members, and our members to become (ballot access) volunteers?
  • What small goals can we set to help guide our progress?
  • What incentives can we legally and ethically offer petitioners?
  • What support do we need from GPUS-BAC?


J. Item 2: Fundraising and Finances

  • Now that we have access to our bank account again, what are our most pressing expenditures at the state level that we’ve had to delay?
  • Development of an AZGP Annual Budget Plan via Finance Committee
  • Updating prior Beacon filings with accurate data
  • Donation drives and other fundraising ideas?
  • County & State Level Dues


K. Item 3: 2022 Endorsements Meeting Planning

  • Find a Date/Time (early July?)
  • Candidate Questionnaire (what info do we need from candidates to decide on endorsement?)


L. Review Decisions Made/Assign Action Items: (5 minutes) [8:50-8:55PM]

M. Meeting Evaluations:

  • What went well? What needs improvement? (10 minutes) [8:55-9:05PM]


N. Approve Date/Time of Next Meeting: (5 minutes) [9:05-9:10PM]

Thursday, July 21st, 2022 at 7:00PM via Zoom


O. Adjournment: [9:10PM]




June 16, 2022 at 7:00pm - 9pm
Mike Cease ·

Will you come?