AZGP Statewide General Membership Mtg Saturday, 29 August, 2020
AZGP bylaws mandate three statewide meetings a year. Because of the Covid-19 uncertainties in May, we postponed the southern Arizona meeting until August, anticipating that the in-person precautions would've been lifted by now. Because physical distancing is still required across the whole state of Arizona, the state committee on 7 August agreed by consensus to go ahead with this statewide meeting by Zoom conference.
FIRST SEGMENT, 10am – noon.
Time: Aug 29, 2020 10:00 AM Arizona
Join Zoom Meeting ID: 954 102 5128
Roll call of state cttee officers, assign roles, read agenda (10min)
Amee Beck, Cara Bissell, Celeste Castorena, Eduardo Quintana, Haryaksha Knauer, Liana West, Ryan Kelly, Sam Hales.
Facilitator, Stack tracker, Notetaker, Timekeeper, Vibes monitor
- Introductions. (20 min)
- AZGP history. (10 min)
- *On Conflict and Consensus.* (40 min)
C T Butler's handbook on values-based decision-making, Part III, Essays: "Consensus Revisited," and "A Revolutionary Decision-Making Process."
- Confirm Celeste and Cara in their positions as cochair and treasurer, respectively. (10 min) State Cttee voting
- Nominations and elections -- Recorder, Second vice-chair. (30 min) General membership voting
SECOND SEGMENT, 12:30 – 2:30.
Time: Aug 29, 2020 12:30 PM Arizona
Join Zoom Meeting ID: 954 102 5128
- Introductions again, and roles (10 min)
- Chapter reports (15 min)
- Maricopa County
- Pima County
- Yavapai County
- New county or campus organizing cttees
- AZGP bylaws amendments. (40 min)
- Standing committees, AZGP Organizational flow chart, invitation to registered Greens to join. (30 min)
- Ballot Access Committee – Party Recognition for 2022
- Political Campaigns – H20 and local write-ins
- Bylaws
- Membership Outreach
- Media Outreach, & Website / Social Media
- Finance, Fundraising
- Green Growth / Strategic Planning
- Speakers Bureau
Identity Caucuses
9.Disability Caucus
- Lavender Caucus
- Military Veterans Caucus
- Black Caucus
- Latinx Caucus
- Women's Caucus
- Youth Caucus
- Additional, eg: Indigenous?
- Treasurer’s report, and Donate. (10 min) How to donate via PayPal or Stripe (screen shots with presentation)
- Announcements. (10 min)
- Evals. (10 min)
- Adjourn