Hello Arizona Greens!
WE are calling for volunteers to help collect signatures for Howie Hawkins and Angela Walker to be printed on the Arizona ballot in November. As you are aware on July 11, 2020 the Green Party met online in an all day nominating convention at which Howie Hawkins was nominated as the Green Party presidential nomination along with our vice presidential candidate Angela Walker The Arizona Green Party is excited to help the Howie Hawkins campaign and elevate the Green Party Platform. Link to Hawkins Platform: https://howiehawkins.us/platform/
- Our goal is to collect approximately 40,000 signatures before August 31, 2020. These petitions will be turned in on September 4. So we have a short but achievable deadline. WE believe that if we are able to engage all of the 7000 Greens in Arizona to collect 7 signatures each then we could meet our deadline very quickly.
Each page of the petition sheet has space for 10 signatures, so if we are able to obtain 400 volunteers and they obtain 100 signatures (10 sheets) each then we could reach our goal very quickly, as well.
- WE have steps for each of our petition collectors to follow in order to maintain safety from Covid 19. We have safety drop offs/pick ups and zoom meetings set up for the duration of this campaign.
Steps for volunteers: go to https://howiehawkins.us/volunteer/ complete the information and the campaign will contact you directly.
Feel free to download the Independent Presidential Elector Nomination petition here. The document is a two page document that needs to be printed on one page.
Completed petitions will be collected weekly. Please contact the Arizona Hawkins campaign director Angel Torres by email: [email protected] for date and times of the petition collections.
We look forward to meeting you soon and working with you soon!
*See more videos with Howie and Angela on their website and facebook page, links below.