January 2023 AZGP State Committee Meeting

The AZGP State Committee will be meeting on Thursday, January 12th at 7PM via Zoom. Please RSVP and join us! This meeting is open to the public, however, we request that all attendees please maintain respectful web and conference call etiquette, and comply with our meeting's rules and procedures. Thank you.


AZGP State Committee Meeting Agenda

Thursday, January 12th, 2023, 7:00PM-9:15PM

Location: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZIkf--hqzoqE91xZdYUQ3fWz2Aaqh6QTDuS



  • Call to Order: Meeting Called to Order by Facilitator [7:00PM]




  • Land Acknowledgement: Facilitator or Volunteering Member - Indigenous Land and Digital Space Acknowledgement (5 minutes) [7:00-7:05PM]



As we begin our meeting, we dedicate this time to acknowledge this truth; that all of us currently occupy unceded, stolen land that rightfully belongs to the Indigenous peoples who originated here, and have been the stewards and protectors of these lands and waters for millennia.


As Green Party members, we believe whole-heartedly in the right of our Indigenous comrades to sovereignty, prosperity, and justice. We pledge, both as individuals and as a party, to stand in solidarity with all Indigenous communities in our collective fight for economic, environmental, and social liberation.


We encourage all of our members and meeting participants to actively engage with these truths, and to do their research about the people whose lands they currently reside on, and how we can all best show support and solidarity with those who occupied these lands before us.


To learn more about the indigenous peoples of your area and see whose land you currently reside on, we encourage everyone to visit the website www.native-land.ca. Thank you.


  • Open Forum: (5 minutes) [7:05-7:10 PM]




  • Declaration of Quorum:  [7:10PM]



State Committee Meetings Quorum and Proxies:


  1. Fifty-one percent (51%) of the elected officers in filled positions on the State Committee

must be present to constitute a quorum at any State Committee meeting.

  1. Vacant positions, on-leave positions and non-voting, appointed officer positions do not

count in the quorum requirements.

  1. At least 60% of all active recognized county chapters must be represented in a quorum

in order to ensure geographic diversity.

  1. Proxies will not be recognized by the AZGP.


  • Assignment of Roles:



Facilitator______, Stack taker _______, Vibes ______, Note taker _______, Time keeper _______, Chat moderator ______, (5 minutes) [7:10-7:15 PM] 



  • Call to the Audience: Make announcements, state opinions, pose concerns -- limited to


1 minute per non-member of the committee. (5 minutes) [7:15-7:20PM]



  • Committee Reports: Each active working committee/county party/caucus shall give a brief report on the current status of their work for the party. (5 minutes each) [40 minutes] [7:20-8:00PM]



  • Treasurer/Finance [Vincent Beck-Jones]
  • Media Outreach [Cody Hannah]
  • Ballot Access [Liana West]
  • Political Campaigns [Cody Hannah]
  • Policy & Platform [Sam Hales]
  • Maricopa County [Liana West]
  • Pima County [Eduardo Quintana, alt. Mike Cease]
  • GPUS Delegates [Vincent Beck-Jones, Liana West, Cody Hannah] 


[New Business]



  • Item 1: AZGP 2023 Budget Requests & First Draft Budget Proposal (25 minutes) [8:00-8:25PM]



  • Discuss & Approve/Deny Individual Budget Requests for 2023
  • View/Edit Budget Request Doc HERE



  • Item 2: Review & Approve Agenda/Procedures for January 21st Statutory General Membership Meeting (15 minutes) [8:25-8:40PM]





  • Item 3: Discussion - Transition to Slack for Active AZGP Volunteers (15 minutes) [8:40-8:50PM]




  • Review Decisions Made/Assign Action Items: (5 minutes) [8:50-8:55PM]




  • Meeting Evaluations:



  • What went well? What needs improvement? (10 minutes) [8:55-9:05PM]



  • Approve Date/Time of Next Meeting: (5 minutes) [9:05-9:10PM]



AZGP Statutory Annual General Membership Meeting - Saturday, January 21st, 2023 at 10:00AM via Zoom


Next AZGP-SC Meeting - Thursday, February 16th, 2023 at 7:00PM via Zoom

Adjournment: [9:15PM]

January 12, 2022 at 7:00pm - 9:15pm

Will you come?