The Arizona Green Party State Committee has approved the canvass results of the AZGP online Ranked Choice Voting Presidential Preference Primary which was conducted from April 1st thru May 23rd.
We are excited to report that there were a total of 96 online ballots submitted. Two online ballots were accidental duplicates and so were not valid, leaving a total of 94 valid ballots.
Ballots by County:
Cochise ******* 1
Coconino ****** 2
Gila *********** 2
Graham ******** 1
Maricopa ******* 46
Pima ********** 26
Pinal ********** 7
Unknown ******* 2
Yavapai ******** 6
Yuma ********** 1
Total Online Ballots **** 94
The results were tallied using the Ranked Choice Voting with point assignment for each of the choices: 4 points for first choice votes, 3 points for second choice votes, 2 points for third choice votes and 1 point for fourth choice votes.
Point Tallies:
(1) Hawkins
1st place: 60 votes cast X 4 = 240 points
2nd place: 19 votes cast X 3 = 57 points
3rd place: 3 votes cast X 2 = 6 points
4th place: 1 votes cast X 1 = 1 points
Total è 304 points
(2) Hunter
1st place: 23 votes cast X 4 = 92 points
2nd place: 39 votes cast X 3 = 117 points
3rd place: 8 votes cast X 2 = 16 points
4th place: 3 votes cast X 1 = 3 points
Total è 228 points
(3) Write-Ins combined
Susan Buchser-Lochocki received 5 points
Dennis Lambert received 6 points
Kent Mesplay received 23 points
Sedinam Moyowasifsa-Curry received 24 points
Chad Wilson received 22 points
Three voters neglected to add the name of their Write-In choice, and so 6 points went into a “No Name” category.
The following two individuals were written in, however they were not eligible for a Write-In vote with AZGP during the 2020 Presidential Primary.
James George Janos received 4 points
Jesse Ventura received 7 points
Total è 97 points
(4) Rolde
1st place: 0 votes cast X 4 = 0 points
2nd place: 7 votes cast X 3 = 21 points
3rd place: 29 votes cast X 2 = 58 points
4th place: 8 votes cast X 1 = 8 points
Total è 87 points
Grand Total Points è 716
The Arizona Green Party State Committee has adopted the following recommendation for delegate apportionment for the State of Arizona to the July 11th Green Party National Presidential Nominating Convention:
3 delegates pledged to Howie Hawkins
2 delegates pledged to Dario Hunter
1 delegate pledged to Unassigned
Here is the math that supports this recommendation:
Total points of 716 divided by 6 (the total number of delegates from Arizona) equals 119.3.
- Hawkins points: 304/119.3 è 2.55 delegate equivalents = 3 delegates
- Hunter points: 228/119.3 è 1.91 delegate equivalents = 2 delegates
- Since no other candidate received the minimum for one delegate which was 119 points, then the last delegate is undeclared.
The delegate apportionment results were approved by consensus on July 2, 2020.