AZGP State Committee Meeting - February


The AZGP Steering Committee will meet on the Third Thursday of each month in the year 2022, unless that month already has a scheduled General Membership meeting.


The AZGP Steering Committee meetings are open to the public to attend through zoom. Please RSVP to receive a link to the meeting.



The Green Party is committed to values-based politics, as expressed in our Ten Key Values. These values guide us in countering and changing a system that extols exploitation, unsustainable consumption, and destructive competition.

In this century, it is imperative that we find sound economic ways to make systemic changes. It is our responsibility to rebuild the political culture of the United States in order to stop wars of aggression, short-sighted ecological destruction, erosion of our rights, and the system that perpetuates social and economic injustice. In other words, we must fundamentally change our society's broken political system.

Now is the time to build a bridge from the world we have to the better world we know is possible.

Now is the time to grow a sustainable political force to work for grassroots democracy, nonviolence, social justice, and ecological wisdom.

Michael E. Cease

AZGP Secretary 




AZGP State Committee

02/17/2022 Meeting Agenda


February 17, 2022, 7:00 PM-9:00 PM


A. Call to Order: Meeting Called to Order by Facilitator [7:00 PM]

B. Land Acknowledgement: Facilitator or Volunteering Member - Indigenous Land and Digital Space Acknowledgement (5 minutes) [7:00-7:05 PM]

C. Declaration of Quorum [7:05 PM]

D. Assignment of Roles:

Facilitator: Sam Hales, Stack taker: ________, Vibes: _________, Note taker: _________, Time keeper: __________, Chat moderator: __________, Greeter/Zoom Host: Mike Cease (5 minutes) [7:05-7:10 PM] 

E. Call to the Audience: Make announcements, state opinions, pose concerns -- limited to 2 minutes per non-member of the committee. (15 minutes) [7:10-7:25 PM]

F. Committee Reports (As Needed/Applicable): Each active working committee/county party/caucus shall give a brief report on the current status of their work for the party. (5 minutes each) [35 minutes] [7:25-8:00 PM]

- Treasurer/Finance - Treasurer, Vincent B.

- Media/Outreach - Media Outreach Coordinator, Karima W.

- Ballot Access - 1st Vice Chair, Liana W.

- Maricopa County - GPMC Chair, Amee B.

- Pima County - GPPC Chairperson, Eduardo Q.

- GPUS National Committee - Delegates, Amee B. & Vincent B.

G. Discord & Trello Walkthrough: (20 minutes) [8:00-8:20 PM] - Co-Chair, Sam H.

H. Running Candidates: (15 minutes) [8:20-8:35 PM] - 1st Vice Chair, Liana W.

I. GPUS-BAC Proposal:  Appointment of Amee Beck-Jones, Liana West and Mike Cease to fill the rest of the 2-year term of AZ Representatives to the GPUS Ballot Access Committee until April 2023 (any action taken on this proposal to be reported to Gini Lester, GPUS-BAC Chairperson) - (5 minutes) [8:35-8:40 PM] - Co-Chair, Sam H.

J. Review Decisions Made/Assign Action Items: (5 minutes) [8:40-8:45 PM] - Recorder, Amee B.

K. Meeting Evaluations:

What went well? What needs improvement? (10 minutes) [8:45-8:55 PM]

L. Announce Date/Time of Next Meeting: (5 minutes) [8:55-9:00 PM]

Thursday, March 17, 2022 / 7:00 PM

M. Adjournment





February 17, 2022 at 7:00pm - 9pm
Mike Cease ·

Will you come?