AZGP General Membership Meeting - May 21, 2022


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A. Welcome (sign-in) & Introductions: (10 minutes) [10:00-10:10 AM]

B. Member Recruitment: Explain organizational structure & benefits of membership (10 minutes) [10:10-10:20 AM]

C. Call to Order: Meeting Called to Order by Facilitator [10:20 AM]

D. Land Acknowledgement: Facilitator or Volunteering Member - Indigenous Land and Digital Space Acknowledgement (5 minutes) [10:20-10:25 AM]

E. History of the Green Party and Explanation of the Meeting Process (consensus):* (5 minutes each) [10:25-10:35 AM]

F. Assignment of Roles:

Facilitator _________, Stack taker ________, Vibes _________, Note taker _________, Time keeper __________, Chat moderator __________, (5 minutes) [10:35-10:40 AM] 


New Business

G. Guest Speakers: “Just Feels Right” (10 minutes) [10:40-10:50 AM]

  • “Just Feels Right” is a local organization dedicated to bringing awareness to climate & social justice issues and fostering community collaboration to ignite positive change.


H. Candidate Recruitment: (45 minutes) [10:50-11:35 AM]

I. Create a New AZGP Working Committee: Policy & Platform Committee (15 minutes) [11:35-11:50 PM] - Cody H.

  • Only dues-paid and registered Members of the AZGP may vote on proposals


J. State Committee Officer Elections (10 minutes each) [20 minutes] [11:50 AM-12:10 PM]

    1. Media Outreach Coordinator (term expires January 2022)
    2. Treasurer (term expires January 2023)

K. BREAK: (15 minutes) [12:10-12:25 PM]

Recurring Business

L. Committee Reports (As Needed/Applicable): Each active working committee/county party/caucus shall give a brief report on the current status of their work for the party. (5 minutes each) [50 minutes] [12:25-1:15 PM]

  • Ballot Access
  • Communications/Membership
  • Treasurer/Finance
  • Green Growth/Strategic Planning
  • Media/Outreach
  • Political Campaigns
  • Speaker’s Bureau
  • County Reps
  • GPUS Delegates
  • Caucuses


M. Recruitment for Working Committees: (15 minutes) [1:15-1:30 PM]

N. Review Decisions Made: (5 minutes) [1:30-1:35 PM]

O. Meeting Evaluations:

  • What went well? What needs improvement? (10 minutes) [1:35-1:45 PM]


P. Schedule Date/Time of Next Meeting: (5 minutes) [1:45-1:50 PM]


Q. Adjournment


*Article V.B.3. A brief introduction to the history of the Green Party and the meeting process (consensus) shall precede the Annual and General Membership Meetings.


You are invited to REGISTER & attend for the following Zoom meeting.

Topic: AZGP General Membership
Time: May 21, 2022 10:00 AM Arizona

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Meeting ID: 738 474 1947

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May 21, 2022 at 9:30am - 2pm

Will you come?