The Arizona Green Party is proud to announce that on December 7th, 2023- after several years without an organized Green Party presence in the County- the Green Party of Coconino County was officially recognized as an official County political party by the Coconino County Elections Department. The Green Party of Coconino County submitted a total of 1,955 valid signatures from registered voters in Coconino County, which exceeded the 1,042 minimum signatures required to gain County political party status.
Upon consensus or majority vote of the AZGP's membership at our next Statutory Meeting in January of 2024, the Green Party of Coconino County will be internally accredited as a recognized county chapter of the AZGP, which guarantees the Coconino Greens all the rights and privileges associated with County chapter membership (including representation on the AZGP State Committee, sharing of resources, etc.), as are outlined in our Bylaws.
The AZGP would like to thank all the dedicated members and supporters of our Party that reside in Coconino County for their passion, hard work, and tenacity in achieving official recognition for the Coconino County chapter. We are excited to welcome this new County chapter into the AZGP family. It is an exciting time to be an Arizona Green Party member, and our Party seeks to continue to grow and bloom in new areas of the State where we are not yet organized in 2024 and beyond.